The Great Books In Literature IELTS Listening Answers With Audio, Transcript, And Explanation

Luyện tập đề IELTS Listening Practice với The Great Books In Literature được lấy từ cuốn sách IELTS Practice Test Plus 2 - Test 1 - Section 3 kèm Answer key, list từ vựng IELTS cần học trong bài đọc và Free PDF & Audio Transcript Download với trải nghiệm thi IELTS trên máy và giải thích đáp án chi tiết bằng Linearthinking

The Great Books In Literature IELTS Listening Answers With Audio, Transcript, And Explanation

👂️ Audio and questions

Question 1 - 5
What instructions were the students given about their project?
Write the correct letter A, B or C next to questions.
List of Findings
They must do this.
They can do this if they want to.
They can't do this.
Choose a writer from a list provided.
Get biographical information from the Internet
Study a collection of poems.
Make a one-hour video.
Refer to key facts in the writer’s life.
Question 6 - 10
Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Other requirements for the project 
  • extract chosen from the author's work must reflect the

     of the author.

  • students must find sound effects and

     to match the texts they choose.

  • students must use a

     of computer software programs to make the video.

  • students must include information about the

     of all material.

Criteria for assessment
  • completion of all components - 25%


    (must represent essence of author's work) - 50%

  • artistic and technical design of video - 25%.

❓ Transcript

The Great Books In Literature
Hi, Joey. How are you doing? I heard you were sick.
Oh, hi, Olivia. Yeah, I had a virus last week, and I missed a whole pile of lectures, like the first one on the Great Books in Literature where Dr Castle gave us all the information about the semester project.
I can give you copies ot the handouts, I've got them right here.
That’s OK. I already collected the handouts but I'm not very clear about all the details... I know we each have to choose an individual author ... I think I'm going to do Carlos Castenada ... I'm really interested in South American literature.
Have you checked he's on the list that Dr Castle gave us? We can't just choose anyone.
Yeah. I checked, it's OK Who did you choose?
Well, l was thinking of choosing Ernest Hemingway, but then I thought no, I'll do a British author not an American one, so I chose Emily Bronte.
OK .. and first of all it says we have to read a biography of our author I guess it's OK if we just look up information about him on the Internet?
No, it's got to be a full-length book I think the minimum length's 250 pages . there's a list of biographies, didn't you get that?
Oh right I didn't realise we had to stick with that. So what do we have to do when we've read the biography?
Well, then we have to choose one work by the writer .. again it's got to be something quite long, we can't just read a short story.
But I guess a collection of short stories would be OK?
Yes, or even a collection of poems, they said, but I think most people are doing novels. I'm going to do Wuthenng Heights, I've read it before but I really want to read it again now I've found out more about the writer
And then the video . . we have to make a short video about our author and about the book. How long has it got to be?
A minute.
What? Like, sixty seconds? And we gotta give all the important information about their life and the book we choose ...
Well you can't do everything I wrote it down somewhere ... yes, Dr Castle said we had to ’find or write a short passage that helps to explain the author's passion for writing, why they're a writer'. So, we can back this up with reference to important events in the writer's life if they’re relevant, but it’s up to us really. The video's meant to portray the essence of the writer's life and the piece of writing we choose.
So when we read the biography, we have to think about what kind of person our writer is...
Yes . And the historical context and so on. So for my writer, Emily Bronte, the biography gave a really strong impression of the place where she lived and the countryside around.
Right, I'm beginning to get the idea.
Er can I check the other requirements with you?
The handout said after we'd read the biography, we had to read the work we'd chosen by our author and choose a passage that's typical in some way that typifies the author's interests and style.
Yes, but at the same time it has to relate to the biographical extract you choose there's gotta be some sort of theme linking them.
OK. I'm with you
And then you have to think about the video.
So are we meant to dramatise the scene we choose?
I guess we could, but there's not a lot of time for that ... I think it’s more how we can use things like sound effects tc create the atmosphere, the feeling we want.
And presumably visuals as well?
Yeah, of course - I mean, I suppose that's the whole point of making a video but whatever we use has to be historically in keeping with the author. We can use things like digital image processing to do it all.
So we can use any computer software we want?
Sure. And it's important that we use a range - not just one software program That's actually one of the things we're assessed on.
Oh, and something else that’s apparently really important is to keep track of the materials we use and to acknowledge them.
Including stuff we download oft the Internet presumably?
Yeah, so our video has to list all the material used with details of the source in a bibliography at the end.
OK And you were talking about assessment of the protect did they give us the criteria? I couldn't find anything on the handout.
Sure He gave us them in the lecture. Let’s see. you get 25 percent just for getting all the components done that’s both sets of reading, and the video. Then the second part is actually how successful we are at getting the essence of the work, they call that ' content’ and that counts for 50 percent Then the last 25 percent is on the video itself, the artistic and technical side.
Great Well, that sounds a lot of work, but a whole lot better than just handing in a paper. Thanks a lot, Olivia.
You're welcome.

🔥 Answer key (đáp án và giải thích)


Giải thích chi tiết

Đầu tiên, câu hỏi đang bàn về việc chọn writer từ 1 list.

smiley36 Khi người đàn ông nói "I know we each have to choose an individual author"

=> Mỗi người bắt buộc phải chọn một tác giả => Đáp án có thể là A, tuy nhiên còn một dữ kiện còn thiếu từ đề "from a list provided" => Tác giả phải nằm trong danh sách => Nghe tiếp smiley19 Mình nghe tiếp thấy "Have you checked he's on the list that Dr Castle gave us? We can't just choose anyone."

=> Không được chọn ngẫu nhiên mà phải chọn từ danh sách => Đáp án: A check

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