IELTS Listening Practice Test
The World Health Organisation says a healthy city must
  • have a

    safe/clean and safe/safe and clean
      and clean environment.

  • meet the

    basic needs
      of all its inhabitants.

  • provide easily accessible health services.

  • encourage ordinary people to take part in

    local government


Giải thích chi tiết

smiley18 Đáp án cần điền là đặc điểm của environment, bên cạnh clean (have a .... and and clean environment)

=> BIết đáp án sắp tới khi nghe 'the World Health Organisation the WHO has come up with a set of criteria for a healthy city'(nói về môi trường) smiley16 Tiếp tục nghe " The WHO says, that amongst other things, a healthy city must provide a clean environment which is also safe...."

=> Healthy city cần có môi trường sạch sẽ và còn phải an toàn nữa => Đáp án: safe check

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