A Conversation After Commencement IELTS Listening Answers With Audio, Transcript, And Explanation

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A Conversation After Commencement IELTS Listening Answers With Audio, Transcript, And Explanation

👂️ Audio and questions

Question 1 - 5
Choose the correct letters, A, B or C
What is Harry’s problem?
He doesn’t want to sell this things
He needs to decide what to do with his possessions
He would like to take everything to England
Which of the items below does Harry want to sell?
sleeping bag
kitchen furniture
household appliances
Where is Harry going to advertise his books for sale?
In the university bookshop
In the student newspaper
In the economics department
Andrea thinks it is unlikely students will purchase the furniture because
they’re all doing the same thing
they live at home
it’s the summer vacation
Andrea thinks that a second-hand shop
may not pay well
may not take your goods
may only take free goods
Question 6 - 10
Complete Harry’s notes using ONE WORD ONLY
post furniture


or sell kitchen things
get a

first from the second-hand shop
give clothes to the

fridge and

to Andrea

❓ Transcript

A Conversation After Commencement
Hi, Andrea. The exams have been over, how are you feeling?
It's fantastic that it eventually ended, isn't it? And every morning, more sleep. What about you?
Well, I've also been sleeping a lot recently. But I have many things to handle before I leave for England. Perhaps you can help me with it. I've had too many stuff that are unlikely to take back with me, but I have no idea how to deal with them.
Well, what kind of stuff they are, and you prefer to selling them or just giving them away? It depends.
Umm, basically, everything I have: the printer, the fridge and other cooking stuff that I bought from the former renter, but the sleeping bag may be helpful on some occasions.
But the new comers have already bought what they need, so they won't be interested in what I have. And giving them away will cost me too much. I'm not sure how to sell it. Oh, I've also got some clothes and books.
Why don't you just take those with you?
The books weigh a lot, so it will easily surpass the airline's baggage allowance, and that will be another huge expense. And my suitcase can't hold that much clothes I have.
Unbelievable, how much things I've got during my living here. Anyway, those summer clothes I have here in Australia won't be very useful in England.
I understand. Well, there is something you can do. First of all, you can put up notices around the campus about the books.
You know, in the Student Union Building and in the economics department. There're many notice boards. And also, any places that second and third-year students will see them. People always want to buy cheap textbooks.
Good idea, but what should I write on the notices?
Just list the titles and authors of the books, and also with the price you want to charge. Also some basic information of you, of course, like your name, phone number, and you can also put on a little tear of a text.
Sounds great, and what about the furniture?
You could try to put on notices about furniture, too. But normally students won't be around all summer, so they may have no interest in buying furniture now. You may also try at a second-hand shop.
The store will send someone here and give you a free quote, then you decide whether you want to make a deal. But usually you can't expect a really rewardable price offer.
You can also choose to post an advertisement on the Trading Post. Have you heard about that paper? Every week it comes out with advertisements people put about what they want to sell.
But you have to pay to have your notice on and then wait for calling. Give as much information as possible and if anyone is interested with your stuff, invite them to come by and check. But making a deal is always difficult.
I haven't heard about the Post before, but I should read it now and I will put the advertisement about the fridge, the microwave and the furniture on. But I'm not sure whether kitchen stuff is good with this idea.
Well, you can donate the kitchen stuff to charity shop or just sell them. Like the Salvation Army or St Vincent de Paul. But maybe you can call a second-hand shop and it can give you a quote first.
Sure, I will do that, wait for the evaluation result and see whether I should sell them or just give them away. But how about my clothes, still don't know what to do.
A charity shop will take them too. So long as the clothes are in good condition and although you don't get paid for them, you know someone who really needs those help will be benefited from your clothes.
That's very true. I will put the expensive stuff, like the furniture, on advertisements, and donate the clothes and kitchen things. Come on, let's go and buy Trading Post and we can write the offer together.
Well, in fact, I'm interested in buying your microwave as well as fridge, depending on your offer, of course.
Okay, let's see how good you are at bargaining.

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Giải thích chi tiết

smiley34 Mình cần nghe xem vấn đề của Harry là gì

=> Biết đáp án sắp tới khi nghe "But I have many things to handle before I leave for England" (nói về các vấn đề cần giải quyết) smiley43 Harry nói tiếp " I've had too many stuff that are unlikely to take back with me, but I have no idea how to deal with them. "

=> Có nhiều thứ không thể mang theo nhưng không biết cần làm gì với nó (possession = stuff) => Đáp án đúng là B check

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